We took the remnants

words remnants stitched into life on canvas scrap (KL)


Digitally captured moments of having-been-made, of artworks that are temporary, provisional, open to further change. A present from the past. New forms brought about through shared artworking, co-poiesis across time and place, weaving in memories, our own and other people’s lives.

Remnants - pieces, fragments, left over, unused and rich with potential.


Fixity yields to fluidity:
fleeting juxtapositions
the churn of possibility.



placed together


a thousand words for death

threaded on embroidery silk
a second cutting
somehow speaking of death
from book pages
once searched for poetry




layers of intentionality


swimming the city lanes

acrylic paint
collaged paper strips that replicate part of the trace of “Stop telling me and listen” that L sent to K as a left-over line from poetry-writing, that K recorded in morse code on her iphone Voice Memos app, which produced the trace in the form of long and short vertical lines
collaged embroidery thread from K’s mother, unwound from its bobbin and still showing the trace of its winding
collaged words cut from remnant pages of a paperback book, after others were chosen for found poetry
forms stencilled in paint through the holes in a page of a paperback book left by cutting out words (as above)
on canvas 60 x 60cm