On not quite getting there

Since I started documenting my 'voyages of (re)discovery' around Berlin, I notice how often my expeditions are aborted before reaching what I had set as my goal.

Last night for example, I had planned to go to a gallery vernissage over in the north west of the city. I set off a bit early, took the U-bahn, standing most of the way. I then found my way from the station to the Charlottenburg Palace - huge roads, dusk, golden trees. I wandered through the garden and back along the avenue to the Bröhan Museum. This is a collection of Art Nouveau painting, ceramics, and furniture. I am fascinated by the traces of Art Nouveau that remain throughout Berlin. Some of the houses in my street have swirly, organic plasterwork, sometimes touched with gold paint, and then right next door is a modernist building with only right angles and straight lines. I seem to find this juxtaposition everywhere I go.

An hour in the museum, and I was done in. More walking to find a cafe and drink ginger tea. The private view became an impossibility for a tired introvert, and I crawled back home to the sofa.

I am accepting that this has to happen as I get used to the city. Sometimes it is just the journey

                 All the town rivers. acrylic on card.

                 All the town rivers. acrylic on card.

Other aborted journeys include: The 'rundtur' of IKEA only to find my credit card wouldn't work at check out. To the Brücke museum (my favourite expressionists) to find it closed for hanging a new exhibition. To the restaurant across the road for dinner to find it closed on Mondays. To the Glienicke Park - satnav couldn't find it.

Usually, what I find on the way or do instead is worth leaving home for.