My dear friend Freda asked recently on her blog whether readers write Morning Pages and how they find the process. She knows that I do - we started together when we first found Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. Nowadays, I write as a way into painting, and I'm exploring how to combine words and painting.
Watching the flowers die. Acrylic on paper, 43 x 61 cm. Lynne Cameron, 2015.
I've been answering Freda's question in my pages. This is what came up:
I write my way into the day.
I write because, on paper, I make myself exist.
I write because here I find my true self, or a truer self.
I write because it leads me somewhere interesting, if I keep going.
I write because it starts the day.
I write because it wakes an inner self that may still be sleeping.
I write because it is my language for one kind of thinking.
When I paint, I think in colour, form, and space.
When I write, I think in slow sentences that take shape in my hand.
I write because it’s what I know how to do.
I write because I always have.
I write because it gives me solutions, visions; opens up possibilities.
I write because it makes me more truthful.
I write to meet myself on the page.
We travel. Collaborative artwork with words, Cinepoetics, 2016.